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TURON DELIZIOSO Turon is a popular Filipino snack that’s sweet, crunchy, and satisfying. Ripe saba banana, jackfruit, and brown sugar are rolled together in a flour lumpia wrapper and fried to a golden crisp. WHAT IS TURON? Typically served for  merienda  (Filipino afternoon snack) or dessert, turon has the perfect blend of flavor and texture. Turon is a treat I grew up eating regularly. We rarely made it at home because there were several Filipino shops nearby that made fresh turon every afternoon. I’m not sure if those little mom and pop shops still exist. It has been a long time since I’ve visited my childhood neighborhood. When the craving for something sweet and crunchy hits, I run to the nearest Asian market and find the ripest saba bananas they have. OUR PRODUCT:                              

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